Hero Of The Corps
He joined out of high school
to be one of the proud few
and to make a difference too!
And when unforgiving harm's way
reached out to snare
his fellow Marines
and Afghan troops
that fateful day,
this brave young man of 21
came to their rescue repeatedly
under ungodly enemy fire,
even when wounded...
willing to make the ultimate sacrifice
to leave no man behind...
including those who were sadly among
the brotherhood of the blessed fallen...
NEVER thinking anything more
than it was his duty to do so,
Dakota Meyer's valiant efforts
going well above and beyond
the call of duty...
saved 36 lives,
including 13 of his Marines,
while delivering
fatal justice in return!
Dakota's unwavering bravery
rightfully earned him
the Medal of Honor...
and his fellow Americans'
eternal gratitude and praise.
He is . . . a great hero of the Corps!
David G. Bancroft
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